Initially the idea of making a mask to capitalize on the moment just from a profit stance sounded like the worst idea I could ever imagine. For starters, the mask thing wasn’t essential yet for everyone so in the beginning the attitude was “I wouldn’t wear a mask so I refuse to make one.” As we have all come to experience, that mentality changed pretty quickly. Now even then, there wasn’t much interest in making mask from a production stance so that wasn’t a factor or idea. Over the last few weeks we realized how now mask have become essential for our day to day use. Since purposeful objects have been the main focus of our creative process lately, we realized that the idea of making a mask started to make a lot more sense. So after we broke that barrier we wanted to make sure if we did produce mask, how or what makes these mask different to our audience. Something we have noticed when tasking essential runs to the super market or things of that nature is the dispose of mask all over the floors on the streets, parking lots, etc. Previously you would notice water bottles, trash, & things of that nature which would still piss us off but now there has been a new problem on our hands. The idea of disposing your masking after a use or two. Now there’s no issue with disposing a mask but when it’s improperly disposed like the ones we have noticed on our floors around the city & our community that’s where we saw a window to really take a stance in the mask production industry we are in. Get it? Mask production? Nvm let me continue… After making a couple samples for my own use, I was able to test these mask for a few weeks & see if they held up the way we imagined them to. The result are in & YES THEY DO! These reusable mask we have produced are here for our customers for a few quality reasons. 1. We did not want to brand these mask whatsoever. No label, no print, or anything within that nature. These are for essential use only, they are not to bring us any sort of marketable recognition. 2. We wanted to make sure the mask was reusable & not disposable which through wear testing we have had success. 3. For each mask we sale we will be make an additional mask which we plan to accumulate & donate to local small businesses within our South Central Los Angeles community. We understand that no mask will completely protect any of us from this COVID-19 virus, so it is still essential to wash your hands & practice social distancing as much as possible. This is a small but important contribution to helping us overcome & protect each other from this pandemic & get back to our daily operating lives. Thank you for the support. Mask are available now.